CranioSacral Therapy and Dynamic Body Balancing (DBB)
Craniosacral Therapy with Dynamic Body Balancing (DBB) are safe and gentle therapies that regulate the flow of energy and cerebrospinal fluid. CSF is present in the brain and spine and works to reduce obstructions in the body that lead to disease.
This hands-on technique locates and releases areas of tension in the body. The treatment is gentle, nothing is ever forced, and most release techniques use five grams of pressure (the weight of a nickel). It doesn’t hurt or tickle but allows for release and relaxation for improved health. This promotes optimal shape, movement and function of the head, spine, and body.
With the addition of Myofascial Unwinding and Bio-field Therapies, CST with DBB has become a beautiful form of hands-on care that restores balance to the mind, body, and spirit. CST is often used for prenatal, pelvic imbalance, breastfeeding, digestive or pre and post tongue and lip tie issues. CST promotes pain relief from headaches, neck pain and some of the side effects of cancer treatment.